Defi Enabled Liquidity

Titleholder and Lien NFTs can be used as collateral on Defi platforms. Plano works with a range of existing Defi providers to certify that the NFTs produced by Plano can act as a secure form of collateral.

Holders of Lien NFTs can send their NFTs to a Defi platform. This action is sufficient to collateralize the property so that the provider of collateral may engage in borrowing actions on the Defi platform. Integrations between the Defi platform exist to report defi transactions on the My Dashboard section of the Council dApp so that the borrower may track their defi activities.

Defi activities are combined with payment obligation information to report financial metrics related to the Lien NFT.


The following metrics are collected from the Defi Platform for reporting

LTV Ratio

A Loan to Value ratio (LTV) as follows:


= Payments Due

= the total value of collateralized liens

= total amount borrowed against liens


The maximum allowable LTV before no further borrowing is allowed.

Liquidation Threshold

The LTV at which the collateral is liquidated.


If the Liquidation threshold is exceeded, the property is liquidated via a foreclosure action that is managed by the Lienholder.

Last updated