Permissioner Service

Permissioner Services

Overseeing the quality of contribution provided by each Local Agent is a verification process, similar to existing KYC processes common with blockchain services. This service is provided by Permissioners.

Permissioners work to review documents submitted by each prospective Local Agent and determine if they are sufficiently qualified to operate.


Within each jurisdiction where Plano provides a dApp, Plano creates and maintains a group of “Permissioners”. Within each new jurisdiction, their job is to first understand the specific requirements necessary to operate legally within the jurisdiction.

Once regulation is understood, they produce a list of documentation requirements that each Local Agent must produce and a process for review. This information is incorporated into the permissioning service and deployed into the new jurisdiction.

Badge NFTs

Each Local Agent is empowered to act via a unique set of Badge NFTs where each Badge NFT defines specific “authorities'' that are administered by smart contracts on the blockchain. For example a Local Agent who is important in the certification of ownership will have the authority to perform a title search.

Permissioners will have the authority to mint Badge NFTs to Local Agents. They will do this via the relevant dApp on Plano.


Permissioners determine a schedule whereby each Local Agent may be asked to submit revised or updated documents to ensure ongoing compliance with regulation. Permissions are also responsible for ensuring the KYC process is in continued compliance with local regulation and for periodically auditing the process over time to ensure the service is fit for purpose.

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