High Demand Nights

A night may be designated as High Demand (or not) by majority vote by owners of a property. A night designated as “High Demand” can be configured to renew each year automatically.

Renewal rules are sufficiently smart to account for dates that fall according to specific rules e.g., first monday of the month, or third weekend after the full moon. Marking a night as High Demand allows a fairer allocation of this night to owners.

Allocating Tokens to Owners

On the first day of each month, UTOKENs are allocated to owners, based on the % ownership of the property. The total UTOKEN awarded each month is calculated as:

TA = C(Sum(VN12)/12)


  • TA is the Total UTOKEN allocated

  • VN12 is the value of each night within the next 12 months

  • C is a scalar between 0 and 1 that is the % of tokens allocated to Owners.

Each property can set its own value for C by majority vote of owners of a property.

Last updated