Council DApp

The counsel dApp is a web site where members of a community may track activities and access services offered by the council. Each established community has access to the council Dapp that will surface information pertaining to its community.

By design, the council dApp services all members of the community, from asset owners, token holders and community members providing governance. This is because all members are encouraged to participate at multiple levels.

To interact with the council dApp, a user must connect their wallet. Doing so will enable the council dApp to authenticate the user and provide the user with the relevant information and services.

Community members with governance tokens are able to access governance services within the dApp that reflect their specific level of authorized governance. Authenticated users are able to participate in governance actions via the dApp.

Where relevant or advantageous, the Council dApp integrates with existing dApps provided by other entities rather than building its own. These integrations are customizable by each community as “Extensions”

My Dashboard

The My Dashboard lets users track their activities within a community via an intuitive dashboard. It will display information and/or history for :

  • NFT based assets owned, purchased and sold

  • Current token balances

  • Payments due based on taxes, fees and fine assessed by the Community and by the local government authority

  • Defi balances

  • Fungible Token transactions history such as resource purchases, taxes and fines levied, rewards awarded etc.

Portfolio Value

The My Dashboard displays up-to-date asset prices based on information provided by oracles so that each user has an accurate picture of the total value of the portfolio and how it has performed over time.

LTV Ratio

The My Dashboard will also calculate a Loan to Value ratio (LTV) on amounts borrowed against collateralized liens. See Defi Enabled Liquidity for more information.

Community Treasury

A dashboard of the financial state of the community treasury including:

  • Currency token balances

  • Allocations to investments, defi and community development projects

  • Revenue collections history and forecasts

Commercial Activity Governance

Applications for a commercial licence are administered via a community vote based on the information provided by the applicant.

In the case where an insufficient number of votes that are typically required to approve the proposal are cast, and provided the application has submitted the necessary information, the Commercial Licence is minted automatically after a specified period of time has elapsed. Using this methodology, licences must be actively denied rather than actively granted.

Community Governance

Information on currently open proposals submitted for a vote as well as complete voting history on past proposals.

Last updated